How Your iLASIK Procedure is Performed

The iLASIK procedure takes only minutes. It reshapes your cornea to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Here’s how it works:

One of our iLASIK surgeons will perform a complete eye examination to be sure that your eye is healthy. A specialized computer is then used to capture the unique blueprint of your eyes; this blueprint is used to drive your laser correction, and this is what gives you a truly customized result. On the day of surgery, anesthetic numbing eye drops will be applied so that you will have no pain or discomfort. The bladeless laser is used to create a thin flap in the cornea . A second laser is then used to reshape the cornea based on the unique and individual eye measurements that were captured during your examination. The procedure is safe, fast, and painless.

The iLASIK procedure was designed to offer great vision without the need for contact lenses or glasses.

Now is the time to ask your surgeon about the risks and benefits, and how iLASIK can help you.


HAVE ASTIGMATISM? No Problem! – Safe And Effective

The iLASIK procedure utilizes the latest and most sophisticated technology to provide the highest level of predictability and safety. Laser vision correction has been performed for over a decade, and 31.4 million procedures have been performed worldwide to date, making it the most common elective procedure in the United States.

All branches of the U.S. military have authorized LASIK for our servicemen and women, and even NASA has recently approved laser vision correction for our astronauts using iLASIK technology.

iFS™ All Laser Technology

Corneal Associates of New Jersey is proud to be the first practice in New Jersey to offer the world ‘s latest advancement in vision correction technology : the iFS™ Advanced Femtosecond laser .

The iFS™ Laser takes refractive surgery and more specifically, LASIK flap creation to a whole new standard of speed, control and safety. It is designed to deliver biomechanically engineered flaps that can be customized for every individual cornea.

Your Vision

Normal vision – when your eye is ” normal” light focuses directly on the retina, thus allowing for clear vision.

Common Vision Problems

Nearsightedness – images focus in front of the retina because the eye is too long or the cornea too steep, so objects far away are blurry.

Farsightedness – images focus behind the retina because the eye is too short or the cornea is
too flat, so objects close to you are blurry.

Astigmatism – images are distorted and are not uniform in all directions, so objects both near and far appear blurry.

Presbyopia – a common problem caused by the normal aging process that typically affects
reading vision . This usually occurs after the age of 40.

Life Is Blurry – Help.

You started wearing glasses or contacts when your vision became blurry. This could have started at age 2 or age 20. When you visited your eye doctor, he told you that you wear nearsighted or farsighted, and maybe you have astigmatism too. All that really matters to you is that YOU CAN’T SEE CLEARLY.

What is iLASIK?

LASIK is a procedure that utilizes an ultraviolet laser to reshape the cornea under a corneal flap. iLASIK uses a bladeless laser to create this corneal flap more predictably and safer than ever before. The vast majority of iLASIK patients see 20/20 or better after surgery without the need for contact lenses or glasses.


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